Escaping the Abyss

About the collection...Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam.


Today Kenya has woken up a burdened country, heaving with the weight of fear, anxious that depending on how the day unfolds, there will be Kenya as we knew it before Wednesday…
Mr Vice President, In contemporary Kenyan history, no one individual holds the record of being running-mate in as many elections as yourself, particularly in instances where you…
Waziri, When Raila Odinga named you as his running mate on 16 May 2022, Kenya and the world lit up because all indications were that with the election being Odinga’s to lose, yo…
Daktari, A country doesn’t encounter your lot often, intellectuals who move beyond theorising by folding their sleeves and stepping into the arena, not as politicians but as the…
Mr Prime Cabinet Secretary, For the longest time, you’ve been referred to as the gentleman of Kenyan politics, mostly because of your candour and demeanour. From the time you we…
Mr Deputy President, Few people have had the singular honour you’ve been bestowed upon by the gods - you would say by God - of working closely with three individuals who at the …
Always bear in mind that the people are not fighting for ideas For the things in anyone's head They are fighti…
Hide nothing from the masses of our people Tell no liesExpose lies whenever they are told Mask no difficulties…
