The V-Series

About the collection...Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam.


Tea made from specific plants has traditionally been given to women for various vaginal ailments, and these same herbs are...…
"When the body is healthy, the vagina is healthy," Dr Muthembwa explained. This means that maintaining your overall bodily health helps to maintain your vaginal health.…
Once again, the vaginal organ is a self-cleaning organ. If you’re worried about its health, wash it with your hands only (no face cloths, scrubbers, or antiseptics) using mild unsc…
It may seem counterintuitive not to clean the vagina in a society that has pushed women to extremes in the name of clean…
"There is no need for a vaginal detox." "The notion that women require this is offensive," Dr. Biko says. "This is yet a…
